Scott Douglas

Director, Professional Development and English as an Additional Language Programs

Other Titles: Professor
Office: EME3151
Phone: 250.807.9277

Graduate student supervisor. Focus: EAL Teaching and Learning in Adult and Post-Secondary Contexts.

Research Summary

English as an Additional Language (EAL) Teaching and Learning in Adult and Post-Secondary Contexts; Teaching English as an Additional Language (TEAL); Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL); Applied Linguistics; English Language Teaching (ELT); Curriculum and Materials Design; English for Academic Purposes (EAP); English Language Learning (ELL); EAL Short-Term Study Abroad

Courses & Teaching

Undergraduate Courses

EDUC 407 Concept Studies Module 1—Developing Instructional Strategies ESL/FSL
EDUC 436 Developing Curricular Vision for a Democratic Society
EDUC 459 ESL in Secondary Education

Post-Baccalaureate Courses

LLED 494 Introduction to Additional Language Teaching and Learning
LLED 495 Curriculum and Materials Design in Additional Language Teaching and Learning
LLED 496 Theory and Practice in Additional Language Teaching and Learning

Graduate Courses

EDUC 560 Directed Studies in Education: TESOL Inquiry
IGS 620 Advanced Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies: TESOL Frameworks
EDUC 524 Language Teaching and Learning
EDUC 562 Special Topics in Education: TESOL Materials


Scott Roy Douglas is a professor in the University of British Columbia’s Okanagan School of Education (OSE), with a focus on EAL teaching and learning in adult and post-secondary contexts.  He is also the editor of the BC TEAL Journal, the peer-reviewed publication of the Association of BC Teachers of English as an Additional Language.  Please see the  EAL Learning Lab for more information on  research being carried out in the OSE in the field of EAL teaching and learning.


EAL Learning Lab

English Foundation Program

EAL for Work-Life Success

Short-Term EAL Programs

TEAL Post-Baccalaureate Certificate

Google Scholar Profile for Dr. Scott Douglas


BA, MEd, PhD (University of Calgary)

Research Interests & Projects

Development and Alumni Engagement Funding

SSHRC Insight Development Grant (2018-2020/extended to 2023):

  • Alternative Pathways: Examining the Impact of English for Academic Purposes on the Undergraduate Experiences of Students from Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds
  • With Dr. C. Doe (Mount Saint Vincent University) and Dr. L. Cheng (Queen’s University)

UBC Excellence Fund (2018-2021):

  • English as an Additional Language (EAL) Support in the Writing and Research Centre, UBC Okanagan Library
  • With A. Brobbel (University of British Columbia)

UBC Okanagan OER Grant (2021 -2022):

  • Listening and Speaking EAP: Materials Development for Students Learning EAL on UBC’s Okanagan Campus
  • With A. McLeod (University of British Columbia)

Current Thesis- and Dissertation-Based Graduate Students (Supervised by Scott Douglas)

  • Karin Wiebe (PhD Student): English as an Additional Language Teaching and Learning for the Canadian Workplace

Completed Thesis- and Dissertation-Based Graduate Students (Supervised by Scott Douglas)

Selected Publications & Presentations


Caplan, N. A. & Douglas, S. R. (2020). Q Skills for Success Reading and Writing 5 (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Douglas, S. R. (2018). Academic Inquiry 4: Essays and Research. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.

Refereed Articles and Chapters

Landry, M. H., Pilin, M., Brobbel, A., & Douglas, S. R. (2023). Tutor perceptions of a university writing centre’s program of skills development for supporting multilingual students using English as an additional language. The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 14(2).

Douglas, S. R., Landry, M. H., Doe, C., & Cheng, L. (2022). English for academic purposes student reflections: Factors related to their additional language socialization at a Canadian university. TESL Canada Journal, 39(1). 1–23.

Douglas, S. R., & Landry, M. H. (2021). English for academic purposes programs: Key trends across Canadian universities. Comparative and International Education / Éducation comparée et international 50(1), 49–73.

Douglas S.R., Campbell, R., Scott R. (2021). Encountered imagery: An English for academic purposes photovoice project. TESOL Journal, 12(2), e573, 1–6.

Cheng, L., Im, G. H., Doe, C., & Douglas, S. R. (2021) Identifying English language use and communication challenges facing “entry-level” workplace immigrants in Canada. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 22, 865–886.

Pilin, M., Landry, M., Douglas, S., & Brobbel, A. (2020). The tutor development needs of writing centre consultants working with undergraduate students using English as an additional language. Canadian Journal for Studies in Discourse and Writing/Rédactologie, 30, 290–313 .

Douglas, S. R., Doe, C., & Cheng, L. (2020). The role of the interlocutor: Factors impeding workplace communication with newcomers speaking English as an additional language. Canadian Modern Language Review, 76(1), 31–49.

Douglas, S. R. (2020). Counterfactual understandings: What Japanese undergraduate students wish they had known before a short-term study abroad experience. TESL-EJ, 23(4). 1–19. Retrieved from

Douglas, S. R. (2019). The productive lexical profile of an undergraduate non-credit academic writing course. In A. Tsedryk & C. Doe (Eds.), The description, measurement, and pedagogy of words (pp. 142–172). Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Douglas, S. R., Sano, F., & Rosvold, M. (2018). Short-term study abroad: The storied experiences of teacher candidates from Japan. LEARNing Landscapes Journal, 11(2), 127-140. Retrieved from

Douglas, S. R. & Rosvold, M. (2018). Intercultural communicative competence and English for academic purposes: A synthesis review of the scholarly literature. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 21(1), 23-42. Retrieved from

Riley, T. & Douglas, S. R. (2016). The multicultural café: Enhancing authentic interaction for adult English language learners through service learning. TESL Canada Journal, 34(11), 25-50.

Roessingh, H., Douglas, S. R. & Wojtalewicz, B. (2016). Lexical standards for expository writing at grade 3: The transition from early literacy to academic literacy. Language and Literacy, 18(3), 123-144. 

Douglas, S. R. (2016). Preparing for linguistic diversity: Teacher candidate reflections on an elementary education course in additional language teaching and learning. In M. Hirschkorn & J. Mueller (Eds.), What should Canada’s teachers know? Teacher capacities: Knowledge, beliefs and skills (pp. 536-568). Ottawa, ON: Canadian Association for Teacher Education.

Douglas, S. R. (2015). The relationship between lexical frequency profiling measures and rater judgements of spoken and written general English language proficiency on the CELPIP-General Test. TESL Canada Journal, 32(9), 43-64. Retrieved from

Douglas, S. R. (2015). Student perspectives on a short-term study abroad experience. In N. Sonda, A. Krause, and H. Brown (Eds.), JALT2014 Conference Proceedings. Tokyo: JALT. 208-216. [Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings 4,443 words including references]. Retrieved from

Douglas, S. R. & Kim, M. (2014). Task-based language teaching and English for academic purposes: An investigation into instructor perceptions and practice in the Canadian context. TESL Canada Journal, 31(8), 1-22.

Douglas, S. R. (2014). Concurrent validity and EAP instructor-assessed final grades. International Student Experience Journal, 2(2), 14-18.

Douglas, S. R. (2014). Teacher perceptions of task-based language teaching and learning across Canada. In H.M. McGarrell & D. Woods (eds.) Contact: Refereed Special Research Symposium Issue, 40(2), 11-31. Available at

Douglas, S. R. (2013). After the first 2,000: A response to Horst’s “Mainstreaming second language vocabulary acquisition.” Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 16(1), 189-199. Retrieved from

Roessingh, H. & Douglas, S. R. (2013). Raising the lexical bar: The potential of teacher talk to support learning academic vocabulary. In Cowart, M.T. and Anderson, G. (Eds.) Teaching and Leading in Diverse Schools. Arlington, VA: Cahn Nam Publishers, Inc. 99-124.

Douglas, S. R. (2013). The lexical breadth of undergraduate novice level writing competency. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 16(1), 152-170. Retrieved from

Roessingh, H. & Douglas, S. R. (2012). Educational outcomes of English language learners at university. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 42(1), 80-97. Retrieved from

Roessingh, H. & Douglas, S. R. (2012). English language learners’ transitional needs from high school to university: An exploratory study. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 13(3), 285-301.

BC TEAL Journal Editorials

Douglas, S. R. (2023). Scholar-Practitionership as a Way of Being in the Field of EAL Teaching and Learning. BC TEAL Journal8(1), i-iii.

Douglas, S. R. (2022). Carving Out an Epistemological Space: EAL Teaching and Learning as a Field of Inquiry. BC TEAL Journal7(1), i-iii.

Douglas, S. R. (2021). Multidisciplinary Breadth: The Many Facets of English as an Additional Language Teaching and Learning. BC TEAL Journal, 6(1), i-iii.

Douglas, S. R. (2020). Local Milestones in Scholarly Publishing: Five Years of the BC TEAL Journal. BC TEAL Journal5(1), i-iii.

Douglas, S. R. (2019). Scholar-Practitioners Contributing to the English as an Additional Language Teaching and Learning Community’s Knowledge Resources. BC TEAL Journal4(1), i-iii.

Douglas, S. R. (2018). Contributing to Open Access Journals with Peer Review: A Meaningful Opportunity for Engaged Continuing Professional Development. BC TEAL Journal3(1), i-iii.

Douglas, S. R. (2017). Free and Open Access: How English Language Teaching Associations Can Foster the Dissemination of Knowledge Through Scholarly Journals. BC TEAL Journal2(1), i-ii.

Douglas, S. R. (2016). A Journal for Teaching English as an Additional Language in British Columbia. BC TEAL Journal1(1), i-ii.


Selected Grants & Awards

2013 UBC Okanagan Teaching Honour Roll

2014 UBC Okanagan Teaching Honour Roll

2015 UBC Okanagan Teaching Honour Roll

2016 UBC Okanagan Teaching Honour Roll

2017 UBC Okanagan Teaching Honour Roll

2016 UBC Okanagan Golden Apple Award

2017 BC TEAL 50 at 50

2019 BC TEAL Honourary Lifetime Contributor Award

Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees

Editor, BC TEAL Journal: Journal Website

Past-Chair: TESOL Research Professional Council

Series Editor: Academic Writing (Oxford University Press)



Principles for EAP Materials Development: Part 1

Principles for EAP Materials Development: Part 2

Principles for EAP Materials Development: Part 3

Principles for EAP Materials Development: Part 4

Principles for EAP Materials Development: Part 5

Principles for EAP Materials Development: Part 6

Thoughts on the English as an Additional Language Curriculum Development Process

TEAL: Introduction to Inquiry-based Learning and Essential Questions


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